“Everybody Has a Story,” The Columbian’s feature where readers tell their own true-life tales, is looking for contributions. And the lazy, hazy days of summer seem like the perfect time to stroll down memory lane in search of great stories.
What sorts of stories? Serious or silly, decades ago or just this morning, we like it all. In recent months we witnessed a reunion of estranged sisters and saw a grieving mom find peace at Disneyland; recalled children’s toys, games and general mischief in the days before electronics; bustled along New York City streets during a historic blackout; and even returned one dad’s ashes to his hometown river over the side of a ferry.
Just remember the following guidelines:
- Your story must be true.
- It must be no longer than 1,000 words. Shorter is better. No epics here.
- It must be a coherent tale — not an editorial, how-to manual or faith declaration.
- Is it one solid story, with a beginning, middle and ending? (“Once upon a time, this happened and then this happened, and it all ended like this.”)
- Focus on your personal experience. What were you seeing, hearing, thinking, feeling?
- Expect a little kindly editing.
Send your stories to neighbors@columbian.com or P.O. Box 180, Vancouver WA, 98666.
Call “Everybody Has an Editor” Scott Hewitt, 360-735-4525, with any questions.