Are you enjoying the cooler weather? How about that lightning Tuesday?
There were moderate to severe thunderstorms overnight from Tuesday into early Wednesday along the Long Beach Peninsula. I bet most folks were awakened along the coast.
Our weather remains cool compared to last week, with highs the remaining days of the Clark County Fair in the 80s. The heat wave we discussed for next week appears to be a go, with highs in the 90s and a 50 percent chance we reach 100 degrees around mid-week. Keep watering.
Vancouver officially recorded .01 of an inch with those sprinkles on Tuesday, the first measurable rain here in town since another .01 of an inch on July 7. We managed 32 days of no rain. Many of us on the west side had only a trace. Some of you notified me that the raindrops were quite large and really spattered when reaching the ground. Oh, I wish we could have had a good downpour over the city. That would have been refreshing for both humans and vegetation. But there’s no rain in sight.
Good news: The crickets are out, so get yourself comfortable on the porch at sunset and prepare for the serenade. Here’s the easy way to tell how warm it is outside while you listen: Count the number of chirps in 14 seconds, then add 40 to get the temperature. Don’t scold the poor critters; it is only an approximation.
Three years ago, we had only nine days at this point with highs of 90 degrees or higher. We are past the annual average of 15 such days this year.