Always check the WDFW website at for the latest fishing rules and regulations as seasons can change or close quickly if necessary.
Sturgeon— Catch-and-release only from Buoy 10 upstream to the Wauna Powerlines near Cathlament. From Wauna Powerlines upstream to Bonneville Dam, including Cowlitz River, fishing open on Sept. 11 and Sept. 18 with a daily limit of one sturgeon and a season limit of two. Retained fish must meaure between 44 and 50 inches fork length. Fork length is measured in a straight line from the top of the nose to the fork in the caudal fin with the fish laying on its side on a flat surface with a tape measure or ruler positioned under the fish. Night fishing of sturgeon is closed and retention of green sturgeon is prohibited.
Drano Lake — Effective through Oct. 31, bank fishing only between a line projected through shoreline markers (located on north and west shores) approximately 2,000 feet downstream of the Little White Salmon National Fish Hatchery, upstream to the deadline markers at the mouth of the Little White Salmon River immediately below the fish hatchery. Fishing from any floating device prohibited. Only hand-cast lines may be used.
Fishery reports
Columbia River mainstem
Bonneville — 51 bank anglers kept three Chinook; 24 boats/60 rods kept 14 Chinook, one coho and released one Chinook, one Chinook jack and one coho.
Camas/Washougal — 66 boats/148 rods kept 23 Chinook, two Chinook jacks, one coho and released one Chinook and one coho.
Interstate-5 area — 12 boats/23 rods kept two Chinook.
Vancouver — 103 bank anglers kept 10 Chinook; 106 boats/236 rods kept 46 Chinook, three Chinook jacks and one coho and released one Chinook, two coho and one steelhead.
Woodland — 191 bank anglers kept 12 Chinook and one coho; 62 boats/184 rods kept 82 Chinook, two Chinook jacks, five coho, one coho jack and released two Chinook, 12 coho and one coho jack and two steelhead.
Kalama — 387 bank anglers kept 54 Chinook and released two coho and one steelhead; 153 boats/388 rods kept 75 Chinook, three Chinook jacks, six coho and released five Chinook, two Chinook jacks, six coho and one steelhead.
Cowlitz — 119 boats/320 rods kept 121 Chinook, six Chinook jacks, 14 coho and released two Chinook, one Chinook jack, 12 coho and one steelhead.
Longview — 89 bank anglers kept one Chinook and released two steelhead; 233 boats/536 rods kept 63 Chinook, seven Chinook jacks, six coho and released two Chinook, two Chiook jacks, one coho, one coho jack and one steelehead
Cathlamet (Sec. 9) — 17 bank anglers released one steelhead; 59 boats/139 rods kept 47 Chinook, one Chinook jack, two coho and released one Chinook jack and three coho.
Cathlamet (Sec. 10) — One bank angler had no catch; one boat/two rods had no catch.
Camas/Washougal — One boat/two rods released one sublegal sturgeon.
Kalama — One boat/two rods released eight sublegal and four legal sturgeon.
Longview — Two boats/five rods released nine sublegal, eight legal and one oversize sturgeon.
Camas/Washougal — Two boats/3 rods had no catch.
Columbia River tributaries
Lewis River — 16 bank rods kept kept one jack and eight coho; one boat/five rods had no catch.
Wind River — One boat/one rod kept one coho.
Drano Lake — 42 boats/100 rods kept 35 Chinook, one Chinook jack, three coho and released 56 Chinook, two Chinook jacks, one coho and four steelhead.
Klickitat River below Fisher Hill Bridge — Four bank rods kept one Chinook.
Klickitat River above No. 5 Fishway — Four bank rods released one steelhead.