WEST VANCOUVER — Having been significantly impacted by COVID-19 as well as an electrical fire, Friends of the Carpenter is ramping up once again, building Adirondack chairs and other handmade goods and furniture to raise funds. “Since 1999, we are a faith-based day facility that provides safety, structure and purpose for vulnerable members of our community,” said Executive Director Tod Thayer.
“The success of this ministry relies on volunteers and community donations to help us return to the basics of our mission, by providing a safe and secure space for houseless individuals and other vulnerable citizens that we serve. Our 3,000-square-foot wood shop is equipped with power and hand tools for woodworkers who share their craftsmanship and love for helping create beautiful wood products for individuals, groups, churches and businesses.”
Visit the shop at 1600 W. 20th St. or contact Friends of the Carpenter at 360-750-4752.