I have been reading The Columbian since 1971. In 1971, I was a Democrat and did not notice the lack of logic; I evolved after President Reagan was elected. I listened to his speeches and realized that logic is important in politics.
Emotions have taken over. The goal now is to destroy President Trump’s accomplishments, no matter how much destruction is necessary. After President Trump was elected, the goal of the media was to hide the fact that President Obama had not accomplished much for all Americans, and President Trump had done more for Americans of African heritage than President Obama. Lying and labeling him a racist should have destroyed him, it did not, because it was fabricated. (My opinion is that President Trump’s accomplishments are important and they will be his legacy.)
The Columbian published my letter with the title, “Trump’s accomplishments shine” (Our Readers’ Views, Dec. 4); they were significant and important. President Biden’s 100 days in office have been a tragedy, but the media is fawning over him, why? For revenge, because we elected a president who is a logical thinking citizen. I am six years older than President Biden, and I recently stumbled going up steps, he was first.