RIDGEFIELD — Rosauers grocery store recently decided to help one first-grader at Union Ridge Elementary School achieve a goal of helping homeless individuals by sponsoring a food drive for the Ridgefield Family Resource Center.
When tasked with an assignment by teacher Shandel Oderman to write persuasive letters asking for something that they wanted, Zuri Jones-Morales wrote about her hope. Oderman then asked Rosauers to help, in addition to displaying the letters. Rosauers shoppers can purchase a grocery gift card at checkout to donate to the Ridgefield Family Resource Center. They will collect donations as long as the letter display is up. All of the donations will go toward purchasing food and supplies for those in need.
“She has always been a helper and loves to lead,” Shanel Jones, Zuri’s mother, said in a news release. “I’ve tried to teach all my kiddos that no matter what we’re going through, there is always someone else that is going through much more.”
Donations can also be mailed directly to the center by making a check out to the Ridgefield School District with RFRC/Zuri’s Project on the memo line. Mail checks to RFRC, 510 Pioneer St., Ridgefield, WA 98642.