WASHOUGAL — School counselors for the Washougal School District have had to adapt during the pandemic in order to serve students. “During a typical school year, I am able to see my students at any point throughout a school day,” Alysia Noriega, Hathaway Elementary School counselor said in a news release. “While I am still able to connect … it takes much more coordination between myself, the student, and their families to make it happen.” It’s proved important that students have someone they feel they can turn to when in need. Instead of things like recess, teachers have scheduled check-in times to figure out how students are doing. Activities like Zoom lessons, small lunch groups, one-on-one sessions, home visits and personalized notes, help. “Weekly lessons in social emotional learning are important at any time,” Catherine Post, Gause Elementary School counselor, said. “Right now, they are especially important because of the situation we are in.”