You’ve got to do what you’ve got to do.
Maybe you’re certain this one is the one, even after just a week or two, and there’s simply no reason to postpone the inevitable. Or maybe you’ve got a strong, sweet hunch but too many immediate plans and responsibilities, so the best you can do is ask for a commitment to make a future commitment.
Or maybe, after years of happy togetherness, you suddenly realize that it’s time, for no reason at all except the obvious one: real love.
This year’s crop of Valentine tales by our readers focuses on marriage proposals. They demonstrate that sometimes you’ve got to follow your inner wisdom as it tells you when to wait, when to leap, when to enlist angel-faced reinforcements — and when to crawl into bed while the party proceeds without you.
Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone!
Perfectly spontaneous
Al and I lived together for 10 years. Neither considered marriage. One day, in August 2003, we were driving back from Reno and had a tiny fight. A rare occurrence. I settled in to read the local paper, as copilot to Al’s pilot. I read him the ad about $100 divorces and told him that if we got married, it would be a cheap divorce. And I was laughing as I said it.