After reading that a partial Clark County Council has approved the sale of fireworks for five days prior to New Year’s, I was left wondering whom they are representing. The public commentary was “nearly all negative” and brought to light valid concerns that all responsible citizens share. The council members that were present (Medvigy, Bowerman and Quiring O’Brien) expressed concerns for the financial status of fireworks wholesalers, distributors and sellers. There was no regard for their constituents who will suffer the consequences of their decision.
How are these council members tied to this industry? Why would they care about nonlocal companies and their profits while disregarding their own neighbors? Councilor Gary Medvigy stated that eventually residents will lose the right to have fireworks if they don’t follow the laws. When? I have witnessed little regard for these laws by fireworks users in the past and a total lack of enforcement of the laws he mentioned. We recently voted to change this council from three members to five members to prevent special interests from running our county like this. Where were the others and why is a three-member council able to pander to special interests like before? Do we the people have anything to say about what happens in this county?