Supporters of gun ownership, the NRA and the Second Amendment proponents, would say that “people kill people, not guns.” That viewpoint does not tell the complete story in the light of the Michigan high school shooting.
Yes, a person held the gun and used it to kill four students, but there were many more people involved. In my view anyone who owns a gun, anyone who supports the Second Amendment without adequate controls and anyone who belongs to the NRA played a role in the deaths of those students. The deaths of those students, along with countless other gun deaths in the U.S. every year, count for nothing unless the attitude toward gun ownership changes.
Every gun needs to be registered. Every gun owner needs to be vetted to ensure that they have the mental capacity to own a gun responsibly. Automatic weapons and high-capacity clips need to be banned. I urge all gun owners to join in an effort to come up with a solution to prevent senseless deaths by guns. Nothing is going to change unless you change.