WASHOUGAL — Summer school students at Washougal School District participated in a myriad of educational programs aimed to help special needs students and others looking for a challenge or to avoid learning loss. The summer program expanded from previous years, serving 319 students in 2021. Brain Boot Camp, a new program, provided an opportunity for students to explore project-based learning lessons. A grant was provided by OSPI for students to create a mock proposal for a walking bridge concept that would connect Addy Street residents over the train tracks. It would enable them to be closer to trails and school. Other programs included Summer School Splash, for grades kindergarten through third grade, and Ready Set Kindy, which aimed to prepare kindergarten students. “I am super proud of all the hard work the staff and students have done. The students have gained skills over the summer months that will be beneficial for a successful start to the school year,” Kassel said in the release. “The teachers are dedicated to student success, and this is why our summer has been amazing.”