I agree wholeheartedly with the letter to the editor “Postal Service is excellent” (Our Readers’ Views, Sept. 11). I have lived in the same house for 30 years and my mail has always been delivered. I am not worried at all about my ballot not making it in on time.
On the other hand, my Columbian newspaper delivery in those 30 years has been less than ideal. If I didn’t love my newspaper so well I would have canceled years ago. I have been missed on several occasions, and now that the porch delivery is no more my paper has been under my car, under my motor home, in my flower beds. Each day is a scavenger hunt to find my paper.
I think that The Columbian needs to go back to paper boxes at the end of our driveway. With winter approaching and wetter weather I would much rather have a dry paper than a wet paper. With as much as the newspaper subscription has gone up, I think a paper box is in order.