I had been coming up to visit most of the summers. My older brother has been up here since I can remember. I’ve always liked it. I just took a chance. It’s overwhelming, the population (in San Diego) — there’s too many people there. San Diego traffic was horrible. If it was a 10-minute drive, it was about an hour to get there. You wouldn’t be able to plan anything. You’d have to go early in the morning or late afternoon. Also, over there, the trails were all pretty much deserty. Here, like when I go up to Silver Falls, which is one of my favorites, everywhere is green.
What exactly do you do in this position?
We take care of the baseball and soccer and softball fields. We have our natural turf that we take care of for baseball and softball, and we do the maintenance on the natural turf, like irrigation, mowing and edging. Then on the synthetic turf, we sweep and aerate it. If you don’t do the maintenance on those, when the kids fall, there’s no bounce to it. We do a GMax (impact) test every three months to see how much bounce our fields have.
How have you been navigating overcrowding issues?
In the mornings, the first thing we do is clean the rest rooms, then we do litter pick. That’s our morning routine. Since COVID there’s been a lot more litter around the park, so the usage of the park has caused us to take more time out of our day to clean up their mess. We used to have a half bag (of litter). Now it’s like two bags of garbage daily. Then there’s been times where the parking lot has been completely full.
What would you say has been the biggest challenge in the pandemic?
Having people distance themselves. What I’ve had to deal with if I go to a park, our play structures at the county are closed. I let them know they’re closed. We put up signs and caution tape around the play structures, and then I’ll turn around and they’ll rip it off. And they’ll tell me they didn’t do it even though I saw them do it.