The following editorial originally appeared in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette:
As recently as 2008 the platform of the Republican Party mentioned climate change 13 times. The GOP acknowledged that the Earth’s warming was caused by human activity, and a commitment was made to reducing the nation’s long-term use of fossil fuels.
By the end of President Barack Obama’s first term, however, the GOP completely reversed its position. The 2012 Republican platform mentioned climate change once, in scare quotes, to disparage serious concerns about it. Moreover, the party dismissed any proposals to reduce carbon emissions.
Once elected, President Donald Trump moved to define climate change as a nonexistent threat. Through executive order, Trump directed federal agencies to abandon any planning for climate change and to abolish previously adopted rules and regulations. This unfortunate GOP reversal not only contradicts the Pentagon — which takes climate change very seriously and views America’s continued reliance on fossil fuels as a threat to national security — it abandons a key conservative ideal: morally responsible stewardship for future generations.
The Republican elites who engineered the current estrangement between conservatives and science did not use reason or empirical analysis to arrive at their new conclusions, which they then transmitted to every red state in America. They simply realized that climate skepticism was a marker of identity and would deliver votes. But even Karl Rove has said that ridiculing climate science to mobilize the Republican base has been outweighed by the fact that this position repels young people, women, suburban voters, moderates and independents — all the people a center-right party needs to be viable in the 21st century.