Call it the Great Hypocrisy. Democratic politicians, forgetting something referred to as the Mueller investigation, are accusing President Donald Trump of politically motivated mayhem for lawsuits about possible fraud in the presidential election. They say important matters are being delayed, that our system of presidential transitions is being squashed, that democracy is being spat upon and that institutional distrust is being fostered.
They also say there is nothing to be found that would alter the election outcome, and that is likely true. But Trump is still within the law and may be doing good in digging into the predicted, denied but actual mail-in ballot confusion.
The lawsuits might help instruct us on how to deter future risks, such as by keeping the practice far more limited and procedures far more transparent and precise. And even assuming the worst, this is nothing compared to the Russia collusion probe headed by Robert Mueller.
Instead of a short hold on things, we had a two-year, multimillion-dollar shock-and-awe onslaught based on a collaboration of corrupt officialdom setting principles aside to come up with nothing. Here is an obvious contender for the worst ever governmental scandal, abetted to no small extent by misleading news accounts and lying Democrats.