Over the past two weeks, the Community Foundation for Southwest Washington granted $592,078 from the SW Washington COVID Response Fund to relief efforts across Clark, Cowlitz and Skamania counties.
Grantees included Council for the Homeless ($130,000), Lighthouse Financial Foundation ($91,828), Latino Community Resource Group ($80,000), Bridgeview ($75,000) and the NAACP Vancouver ($59,000).
“Neighbors and friends across Southwest Washington are responding in many ways, and this relief fund is another opportunity for all of us to help those who are hurting most,” the foundation’s president Jennifer Rhoads said in a news release.
“By giving what we can together, we will provide a stronger recovery for our region.”
Nearly $3.5 million from the relief fund has been disbursed through 95 grants. Visit cfsww.org/covid19 to learn more.