May is a busy time for high school students, particularly seniors. But now, the coronavirus pandemic has canceled sports, competitions and activities, not to mention prom and graduation. What event or activity were you particularly excited for this year? Why is it important to you? How are you feeling missing it?
I never got the chance to attend any school dances, and at senior prom I was going to get the chance to spend one more night with my friends and see old teachers and enjoy our time. Now that prom is canceled I feel devastated I won’t get to attend my last school dance.
Many of you talked about the lack of closure this year brought. Tell us about why it’s important to you to have some sense of closure on your educational experience, and what, if anything, you’re doing to make peace with the fact that this period of your life is coming to an end.
Senior year is one big ball of emotions. Every senior is looking forward to the end of the year because there is so much going on, I’m never going to get the chance to experience that feeling. I feel robbed out of my senior year. Administrators are trying to make everything possible for us seniors to really get that “senior experience, “ but it’s hard when everything we do has to be while practicing social distancing . Us seniors will never get to experience our last senior assembly, our senior slideshow, our last spirit week and many more activities. It’s hard to cope with this and be fine with it when you worked so hard to walk across the stage and realize it might not happen.