RIDGEFIELD — Fifth- and sixth-graders at Sunset Ridge Intermediate School recently re-created the Netflix home baking show “Nailed It!” School counselor Kayla Mitchell thought of the idea while looking for ways for students to have fun outside of class during remote learning. She worked with Associated Student Body members to work out how to do it online; ASB Leadership students Camden Dalrymple, Elizabeth Jones, Jael Benedick, Madison Cleaver, and Isabelle Walker made a video to explain it to the school. The students pre-make a holiday dessert but leave it undecorated. Then they choose a photo of a dessert they want to make as inspiration and make a video that starts with that picture. Setting a timer for three minutes, they decorate their desserts. At the end, students show their results with their photo next to the dessert. Prizes will be awarded at a later date.