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News / Clark County News

Weather Eye: We’ll have to wait until Monday to feel much relief from heat

By Patrick Timm
Published: August 16, 2020, 6:00am

Hot enough for you? No need to answer that one. By 6 p.m. Saturday, Vancouver had reached a high temperature of 99 degrees, and it is possible that it crept up a degree before all was said and done. Other communities around us reached 100 degrees, however. I doubt many could tell the difference between 99 and 100.

At least the air was dry and made the heat somewhat tolerable, and a little breeze helped as well. The Washington Coast even got in on the action with 85 degrees at Long Beach on up to 93 degrees up at Forks. That is hot for the ocean beaches. Winds switched in the afternoon, bringing an abrupt cool-down.

We will have to wait until Monday to feel much relief, with highs today pushing well into the 90s. Maybe 100? Monday we’ll be in the 90s, and near 90 degrees on Tuesday. After that, more seasonal highs and some increasing moisture. Perhaps clouds and a light shower or two by the end of the week? Forecast charts hint at that, but reality keeps us optimistic that summer weather continues.

Updates on Tuesday.

With the official temperature hovering close to 100 in Vancouver on Saturday, the last time we had reached 100 was on July 26. Just shows you how quickly the weather can change. Earlier we had a lack of 90-degree highs and now will be close to average soon.

Three years ago on this date, we were busy watching the upcoming weather forecasts carefully as we awaited the arrival of the full solar eclipse. Wow, that was three years ago? Yep.

Keep hydrated, be safe and endure the next couple of hot days until some relief arrives.

We will chat on Tuesday and see what’s up.
