The Camas School District Board of Directors unanimously approved its remote learning plan Monday night. Here are the highlights:
What will my student’s schedule look like?
Like Battle Ground Public Schools, Camas has adopted a schedule of “synchronous” and “asynchronous” periods for students. Synchronous periods will be held live in a video setting, while asynchronous periods will give students time to work independently or in small groups.
Elementary school students will have their days split into instructional block periods with regular breaks built into the day. Middle and high school students will have half their six classes each day, rotating live versus independent instruction.
Grading and attendance?
District spokeswoman Doreen McKercher said the school district is still hammering out its plans for taking attendance. Grades will return as normal, with elementary school students receiving number grades depending on how they meet standards, and secondary school students back to A through F letter grades.