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News / Opinion / Letters to the Editor

Letter: Use science and facts, not rhetoric

By Carrie Parks, Vancouver
Published: April 29, 2020, 6:00am

As Republicans usually do, state Sens. Ann Rivers, Lynda Wilson and John Braun are putting profits over people in trying to reopen the economy before it makes sense. They say they have talked to “business owners across the state.” Apparently, they feel those opinions should trump that of medical experts with years of training and experience. Let’s get this straight: business owners want to make money. Government experts are safeguarding our health.

Taking their cue from our incompetent president who spews lies every day, our local Republicans are perpetuating unproven myths.

One of these is that workers are being paid “so much money on unemployment” that it’s hard to get them to return to work. What a crock! If you are asking people to expose themselves to a potentially fatal disease as part of their job, maybe you should pay them a livable wage.

These irresponsible senators are following a minority opinion pushed by a Republican Party that wants to create division to win the election. In the process, they are risking lives. I resent that, and I will keep following the advice of Jay Inslee, our thoughtful governor. I have confidence that he is using science and facts, not ginned up, partisan Republican rhetoric.

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