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Weather Eye: Looks like April will be a dry month

By Patrick Timm
Published: April 12, 2020, 6:00am

Happy Easter Sunday to you all! Please enjoy another sunny and mild day, which I’m sure will be most uplifting. The only caveat in the weather forecast is scattered frost in the colder areas this morning through Monday and Tuesday. It is still early spring.

Last week we enjoyed highs in the 70s for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. A weak weather system slid by and brought cooler air yesterday. Late afternoon Saturday, temperatures were in the low 60s, about average for the date.

We were running several degrees below average for the month, but those warm high temperatures brought us up to normal. Our rainfall for the month still stands at a quarter of an inch and most likely will remain there all week.

One reliable computer forecast model brings a chance of sprinkles or a shower on Wednesday, but at this point we’ll just keep things dry all week. By Thursday and Friday, we will see highs back in the low 70s. Looks like the month will be dry, dry, dry.

In fact, the National Climatic Data Center had forecasted our weather to be drier than average and warmer than average for April, May and June. A dry spring, if it materializes, can foreshadow a crazy wildfire season. Let’s hope we get a few showers now and then, especially in the forests.

I was just thinking that today is the eighth day in a row without measurable precipitation. We need some of those April showers for the May flowers, right? It may seem odd but I bet many of your plants and shrubs around the yard need some watering right about now. Dig out the sprinklers as the sun shines this week.

Thanks to late season snowfall, I see Lake Merwin, Yale Lake and Swift Reservoir are nearly at full pool. Good news for the summer season — and still some snowmelt left to go.

Enjoy the sunny weather this week, and reflect on how blessed we are to have it while we endure the strains of everyday life right now. Take good care.

Patrick Timm is a local weather specialist. His column appears Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. http://patricktimm.com
