Mental Health Sales Tax Funding Advisory Board, Public Service Center room 698, 1300 Franklin St., Vancouver. n 1 p.m., meeting: review budget, internal applications, external applications.
Vancouver City Council, City Hall, 415 W. Sixth St. n 4 p.m., workshop: programs and services under A Stronger Vancouver followed by executive session: potential litigation. n 6:30 p.m., regular meeting: Fort Vancouver Way and East McLoughlin Boulevard sidewalk infill and signal upgrades; contract for asphalt purchases from Lakeside Industries; sex offender monitoring program funds; disbursement of Justice Department grant funds; settlement of tort claim. Public hearing son surplus utility equipment, CDBG annual performance report and park service overlays.
Port of Camas-Washougal Board of Commissioners, port offices, 24 S. A St., Washougal. n 4:30 p.m., closed-door session on property disposition. n 5 p.m., regular meeting: waterfront development presentation, adopt resolution amending “comp scheme”; CEO, staff and commissioner reports.
Camas City Council, City Hall, 616 N.E. Fourth Ave. n 4:30 p.m., workshop: transportation system plan update, water quality standards review, North Shore subarea plan update, 2019-2020 city capital budget presentation, 2020-2025 city budget forecast. n 7 p.m., regular meeting: 2019 comprehensive plan amendments.