You could pick up litter, plant trees or wipe down cemetery headstones any day. But there’s something powerful about fanning out with a bunch of other people all at the same time.
That’s the idea behind Make a Difference Day, founded in 1992 by newspaper magazine USA Weekend. Even though USA Weekend folded in 2014, Make a Difference Day has taken on a life of its own, with many still observing this day of service on the fourth Saturday of October.
“It’s a great way to bring the community together,” said Celina Stilphen, a program coordinator for the Watershed Alliance of Southwest Washington, which is hosting a tree planting. “Last year was my first Make a Difference Day. It was great to see so many groups of people get together and enjoy a beautiful fall day.”
Watershed Alliance focuses on restoring Burnt Bridge Creek, which has long been vexed by pollution and invasive species. At the alliance’s 2018 event, 174 volunteers planted 4,000 trees and shrubs along the creek near Arnold Park. The plants filter pollutants from stormwater runoff, prevent erosion and keep water temperatures cool for fish, Stilphen said.