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News / Clark County News

Newspaper seeks stories of graduating heroes

By Amy Libby, Columbian Web Editor
Published: May 20, 2019, 6:00am

Caps and gowns, tassels and tradition: High school graduations are rapidly approaching.

As part of The Columbian’s yearly high school graduation package, we would like to hear from readers about high school heroes. Do you know a student that raised money for charity, did a community project or spent hours volunteering?

We’d like to hear about it in your words.

Submissions must be about a student graduating from high school in Clark County in 2019. We’re limiting submissions to 300 words.

If you have a graduating senior in your life, we’d like to know what makes them special. Visit https://bit.ly/2WcfMgA to send us your submission.

Make sure to include the graduating senior’s name and school.

Submissions will publish online June 3.
