As Zach Moritz sat in the shade of the sequoia trees, he could envision the outlines of a new life.
It was July 2013, and the 25-year-old Vancouver native had just completed a vision quest with the School of Lost Borders in California’s Inyo Mountains. The vision quest, or rite of passage for young adults, meant three days of camping, fasting and self-exploration. In the previous year, Zach had begun to enjoy transcendental meditation, and saw this quest as a way to take his passion to the next level.
Afterward Zach’s father, John, and his mother, Beth, joined him for a reincorporation meeting, where quest participants shared their experiences, takeaways and thoughts about what they wanted in life.
Zach, who starred as a 6-foot-10 center for the Columbia River High School basketball team and played at Boise State University in Idaho, said he wanted to help athletes learn healthy coping skills to manage the pressure, anxieties and disappointments they’d encounter in their careers. He realized sports could be a harsh environment without much room for compassion and empathy. He wanted to improve that environment.