NEW YORK (AP) — Small businesses can be more vulnerable to cyberattacks than larger companies because they often don’t have sophisticated and comprehensive systems to protect themselves from hackers, viruses, malware and what’s called ransomware. And owners who are focused on customers and employees may not ensure that their defenses are up to date.
But there are things small businesses can do to improve cybersecurity. Here are six:
Don’t do it alone. Small companies, if they can’t afford their own in-house technology experts, should hire consultants who specialize in helping small businesses build and maintain their defenses.
Think beyond your system. Companies can be attacked through other businesses or computer users including vendors and online storage services. Small-business owners should ask anyone who links into their computers about the steps they take to protect data.
Back up everything. When Marcos Francos’ company, Atlanta-based Mighty Clean Home, was attacked by ransomware, his files were rendered inaccessible. But because he had backed up all of his data, he didn’t have to pay the ransom demanded by cyberthieves.