I’m just not that aggrieved.
Goodness knows, I’ve tried, doing all I can to convince myself that the world is conspiring against me. I’ve watched Fox News. I’ve read the “men’s rights” thread on Reddit. I’ve even seen a syndicated columnist who told me, “There’s a war on men in America today.”
Oooo, scary. But I’m just not that aggrieved.
This might sound surprising. Because I am a white male, I have many, many role models rushing to say that modern American society is stacked against me and that femi-Nazis are trying to emasculate me and that liberals are marginalizing me. Which is an odd stance to take, considering that white men have controlled American society since, well, since they arrived.
When 44 people have been president of the United States (one of them served twice) and 43 of them have been white men, it’s difficult to argue that we are the oppressed ones. When I don’t have to worry about getting pulled over because of my skin color, or unwanted touching in the workplace, or being told to go back where I came from, I have difficulty working up a frothing grievance.
Which brings us to a new commercial from Procter & Gamble for Gillette razors. If I had tried to predict the next battlefront in the culture wars, I would not have suspected razors. Maybe beer, or something else that is essential to humanity, but not razors.