Volunteer Connections/RSVP (Retired and Senior Volunteer Program), a program of the Human Services Council, is looking for volunteers for the following assignments:
Clark Neighbors Food Project/Ridgefield Food Project seeks neighborhood coordinators to reach out to their community as participants in Project Green Bag. Volunteers will talk to their neighbors, hand out bags, and pick up the filled bags every two months to be distributed to local food banks. The following skills will be helpful: limited data-entry experience, the ability to send out email reminders, and the ability to lift and carry up to 25 pounds.
Columbia Springs seeks volunteers for the MLK Jr. Day of Service from 9 a.m. to noon on Jan. 19. Opportunities include removing invasive species, trail maintenance, and preparing the park for the spring season. Snacks, tools, gloves, and training are provided. Please bring a water bottle, wear close-toed shoes, and dress in work-appropriate clothing.
Fish Of Orchards, an area food pantry serving 4,000 people per month, seeks volunteers for two-hour shifts Monday through Friday to keep shelves stocked, food bagged, and donations sorted. Groups welcome.