America’s forefathers secured this nation’s freedom through God’s unchanging morality. With adherence to God and constitution they have led and we survived. After passing a nation’s average lifespan, we now appear to be at an end. Tyranny has raised its evil head in the form of socialism. Like a cancer, it has infected the na?ve. Our young chase after it like it’s the coolest thing and social media hypnotizes many into its self-worship.
Public schools no longer teach socialism’s evil or how it destroys every nation it touches. Democrats tossed God out of our schools in the 1960s, and all government since. They have allowed radical leftists to rule their party and now they want America.
Without leaders that believe in God, we have immorality ruling this country. The disease runs deep. It even appears some think of themselves as Gods. In at least seven states there is no law preventing the killing of our children up to their birth. Leftist politicians are quickly becoming what socialist Germany was in the 1940s. They have no clue what love is as she stares up at them from newborn eyes. America, desperately, needs leaders, not more rulers.