Timed for holiday baking, the latest cookbook from the editors of Martha Stewart Living is “Cookie Perfection.”
The 100-plus recipes are organized into categories; there are chapters titled “All Dressed Up,” “Classics With a Twist” and “Some Assembly Required.” The editors also included glossaries of essential tools and ingredients, plus their Golden Rules for cookie baking, such as knowing your oven, lining baking sheets, chilling dough and proper storage.
These cookies are billed as “a ginger-lover’s treat, if ever there was one,” and are said to be one of Martha Stewart’s favorites. The recipe uses three kinds of ginger — ground, crystallized and fresh grated.
Molasses-Ginger Crisps
Makes about 8 dozen
While baking, these cookies will fill your kitchen with an incredible fragrance, and when it comes time for eating, their bright snap will leave you wanting more. Reprinted with permission from “Martha Stewart’s Cookie Perfection” by Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia Inc.