Do you hate broccoli? Or, perhaps can’t stand the taste of Brussels sprouts?
Those preferences may not mean you’re just a picky eater. Not liking some vegetables could actually be in your genes, a new study shows.
Basically, some people are what researchers call “supertasters,” which means they have a specific genetic makeup that makes some foods taste more bitter, which could make it harder for some to add heart-healthy vegetables to their diet.
“Your genetics affect the way you taste, and taste is an important factor in food choice. You have to consider how things taste if you really want your patient to follow nutrition guidelines,” researcher Jennifer L. Smith said.
The skinny on the science is this: Everyone has two copies of the taste gene TAS2R38. The gene has two variants, PAV and AVI. Those who inherit two copies of PAV are known as “supertasters” and are likely to find many foods “exceptionally bitter,” according to the researchers.