For nearly a decade, the Affordable Care Act has been one of the most polarizing issues in national politics. So it is not surprising that the candidates for representative from Washington’s 3rd Congressional District have sharply differing views.
“I think I voted more than 80 times to repeal the ACA, because it is ridiculously flawed,” Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler, R-Battle Ground, told The Columbian’s Editorial Board. “The ACA is a total disaster, but we can maintain protection for people with pre-existing conditions, we can make sure they are covered by a safety net. The way we do that is we get people who shouldn’t be covered by government-run health care off. It’s not that difficult.”
Democrat Carolyn Long said: “I think we need to immediately shore up the ACA. It was an imperfect bill as far as how we bring affordable health care to Americans, but 20 million Americans have benefitted from that bill. There’s currently bipartisan legislation, the Murray-Alexander bill in particular, that would shore up the markets, provide some stability we haven’t seen, and it has not been let out of committee by leadership, Republican leadership.”
Herrera Beutler and Long met with the editorial board following the August primary in which they advanced to the November general election. The Columbian will make a recommendation to voters as the election draws near; in the meantime, we are providing a series of editorials designed to present the candidates’ positions on crucial issues. On Aug. 24, we compared their opinions about tax cuts, spending and the federal deficit.