Once upon a time, a Columbian editor realized his stack of true tales from readers was just about depleted. So he went begging for more.
“Please, loyal readers,” he wrote. “Write about a noteworthy life experience you’ve had. It can be almost anything — a formative childhood event, a family adventure, a tragic loss, a hilarious happening. Serious or silly, big or small, way back when or just this morning — we like it all.” Just remember a few basic guidelines, this desperate editor added:
• Your story must be true.
• It must be no longer than 1,000 words. Shorter is better.
• Focus on your personal experience — what you were seeing, hearing, thinking, feeling.
And what happened? Columbian readers took up the challenge, sent in their stories (to neighbors@columbian.com) and saw them appear in print in this very space.
And they all lived happily ever after.