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Thursday,  September 19 , 2024

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News / Community

You Can Help

By The Columbian
Published: March 7, 2018, 6:00am

FISH of Vancouver helps feed around 4,000 people each month. Volunteers are needed at its Westside Food Pantry, 906 Harney St. For information, contact Wendy Bukoski, operations manager, at 360-695-4903.

• Front desk receptionists greet and process clients. A background in mental health is helpful. Multilingual volunteers are encouraged to apply.

• Warehouse workers break down pallets, sort and rotate food, and complete inventory. Lift truck operators are encouraged to apply.

• Closers work from 2 to 4:30 p.m. and sweep, vacuum, mop, and clean work areas, break down pallets, lock the building and parking lot gates.

• Food box stocking assistants work 9 a.m. to noon, or noon to 3:30 p.m., and stock coolers, freezers and shelves, organize inventory and clean work areas.

• Front room monitors work 9 a.m. to noon, or noon to 3:30 p.m., and help shoppers as they fill a bag with donations, and clean work areas. Multilingual volunteers are encouraged to apply.

• Food box window volunteers work 9 a.m. to noon, or noon to 3:30 p.m., greet clients, and supply them with a box of food, according to their family size.

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Volunteer Connections provides opportunities through the Human Services Council. For information on the following and other opportunities, call 360-735-3690

An information session called CASA 101 about becoming a Court Appointed Special Advocate for children is at 6 p.m. today in the community room at the YWCA, 3609 Main St., Vancouver.

• The Clark County Public Works parks division is getting ready for warmer weather with a series of park clean-ups. There is also a Whipple Creek trail maintenance event.

• Clark County Veterans Assistance Center is in need of welcoming people to meet and greet veterans, who can listen with compassion and understanding, set appointments, prepare snacks and coffee and answer the phones.

• Friends of the Carpenter is looking for an on-going crew of volunteers to help with a monthly newsletter mailing, which would take place on the second Wednesday of the month.

Vancouver Farmers Market is gearing up for another season, and is looking for volunteers with a strong customer service background.
