Battle Ground Public Schools is seeking community input on overcrowding at its southern campuses.
The north Clark County district is asking parents, staff and the community to share their thoughts on overcrowding using an online survey that will be available through June 14. Parents and school staff can expect an email invite to join the anonymous survey, and community members can visit to participate.
Battle Ground Public Schools will later this summer form a committee to consider how to address overcrowding, including possible campus boundary changes. Participants in the survey will be asked what they believe the committee should consider, and can see and rank other people’s suggestions in the forum.
“We want to be able to share our community’s input with the committee,” Superintendent Mark Ross said in a district announcement. “It’s important for the committee and district to know what is top of mind for our community when we evaluate options to address overcrowding. This process lets our stakeholders engage in a community-wide conversation from the comfort of their homes and gives us a community voice.”