LA CENTER — Kindergarten registration at La Center Elementary School will start in mid-April, and the district will host a few information nights ahead of registration. There will be Kindy Club Nights from 5 to 6 p.m. on March 8, April 12 and May 10 in the cafeteria at La Center Elementary School, 700 E. Fourth St., La Center. Incoming students and parents will work on activities to prepare students for school. Parents can sign up by calling the school office at 360-263-2134.
Registration for kindergarten can be done between 9 a.m. and noon from April 16-27 at the school. Parents are asked to bring their child’s immunization record and a copy of their legal birth certificate. Children must turn 5 on or before Aug. 31 to start kindergarten for the 2018-2019 school year.