CAMAS — The newly formed giving circle 100+ Women Who Care Clark County will hold its first meeting at 6 tonight at Salud! Wine Bar. It’s open to all women, and teams of women who’d like to split the cost of membership.
How it works is members donate $100 every three months, which is then given to a nonprofit of the group’s choosing. 100+ Women Who Care Clark County is a new chapter in a growing cadre of giving circles. Local groups 100 Men Who Care Clark County and 100 Women Who Care SW Washington follow similar formulas for collectively giving to the community.
“I’ve heard from so many inspired women that they want to do something and be involved in some way in giving back to their community, yet their time and funds are limited,” founder Christie Ribary said in a news release.
“We now have a simple mechanism to make a huge impact, but it requires very little in terms of time and dollar commitment. My goal in our first year is 100 members donating $100 four times a year, giving $40,000 to nonprofit organizations in Clark County.”
More information will be available at tonight’s meeting at the wine bar, located at 224 N.E. Third Ave. People can attend a social hour beforehand that starts at 5 p.m.