While the grownups might celebrate the end of a long summer of keeping their children engaged, the start of the school year is not exactly a vacation for parents. Keeping an eye on students’ screen time and use of social media becomes even more important when classes start again.
That, in itself, can be a full-time job. A new study by Pew Charitable Trusts shows that even teens are concerned about the amount of time they spend in front of a screen, be it a cellphone, tablet or TV. More than half of 13- to 17-year-olds report having taken steps to reduce their use of mobile phones, social media and video games, and roughly two-thirds of parents express concern about their teenager’s screen time.
There is good reason for worry. A 2012 scientific study determined: “Internet addiction is associated with structural and functional changes in brain regions involving emotional processing, executive attention, decision making and cognitive control.”
Not that adults are immune to the lure of modern-day gadgets. More than one-third of parents report being worried about their own use of mobile devices. For a generation that can remember rotary-dial phones — well, some of us can — this can be overwhelming. Add in the risks that come with social media and internet use, and it can be a bit frightening.
Teenagers and even younger students must be made aware of the pitfalls that come with inappropriate internet sites, cyberbullying and sexting. They also must understand that parents and guardians are going to keep tabs on students’ activity and help guide them through the labyrinth. The state Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction offers help with an online “Bullying and Harassment Toolkit.”
In 2010, the Legislature passed a bill prohibiting harassment, intimidation or bullying in schools. That includes verbal and physical acts, as well as electronic messages. Part of the law explains: “Electronic name-calling, shunning and shaming are all forms of cyberbullying. So are spreading rumors, gossiping and making threats online.”
Despite much attention on the issue, some students are bound to act foolishly online (heck, many adults do, as well). When it comes to teens, perhaps the most disconcerting part of the issue is the practice of sexting — sending sexually explicit images. The Journal of the American Medical Association has published an analysis of more than three dozen studies, concluding that 27 percent of teens have received a “sext” message and that those images often are forwarded to others without consent.
The best advice is for parents to insist on following their teenagers’ social media accounts — on Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter and whatever hot new app becomes the next big thing. Teenagers might consider this to be an intrusion of privacy; we think it is simply good parenting. Parents also should be aware that many teens have Instagram accounts for public consumption and “sinstagram” accounts for photos they would prefer their parents not see.
Parents also should discuss the potential legal and social dangers of inappropriate online activity — just as they discuss the importance of responsible driving before handing over the car keys. Those talks must be used to set down firm guidelines and clear consequences for breaking them.
Such discussions are appropriate at any time, but they seem particularly important with the school year approaching. Trusting that your children will act responsibly online can help parents relax and enjoy the freedom that comes with the end of summer.