Hough — Dave Halstead, Lilly Boulianne, Solange Cyr and Edward Collister recently completed their bike ride across America. They started in Seaside, Ore., on May 5 and finished in Boston on July 11. The group raised $6,500 for Council for the Homeless on their trip. Halstead and Boulianne live in Vancouver, while Cyr and Collister are from Quebec City, Canada. Every day, the bikers woke up at 5:30 a.m. to start their journey, which lasted 67 days, eight of which were designated rest days. According to data compiled from Halstead’s bike, he traveled a total of 3,869.4 miles, climbed 21.25 vertical miles and burned 194,876 calories total. In an email, he wrote that the rest of the quartet all must have drove similar numbers on the ride. Their longest day was May 11, when they biked 86.8 miles from Crow Butte Park to Walla Walla. To read more about their journey, visit www.halsteaddavid.wixsite.com/website.