“That’s the guy I am going to marry. I just met him tonight,” Judi thought. She told me much later, on our honeymoon, that the premonition overwhelmed her. She was to have another premonition about me, months later.
That first meeting took place at a “Hi-Bye” in the officers’ club at Camp Darby, a small U.S. Army base near Pisa, Italy. Since military personnel change locations often, a “Hi-Bye” is a party to say goodbye to those leaving and meet the new people arriving.
I was escorting my date down the “Hi-Bye” line when suddenly, in front of me, was a woman who fit my definition of beautiful! We shook hands, and my date quickly pulled me to the next person in line. I didn’t have a premonition — little did I know that my wild and free days as a dashing young lieutenant were numbered. I soon found out that Judi was the civilian administrative assistant for a crusty old colonel whose entire command had just been transferred from Germany to our base.
Within a week or so, we were dating. She was from Oregon and loved Europe, art, dancing and my Texas accent. We soon became inseparable — but life was hectic and dynamic. There were just too many dating options available to both of us, and eventually we had a spat and decided to break up.