Ah, we say goodbye to September — what a great month it was weather-wise. A little bit of everything. Nice warmth for outdoor activities, some rain for the garden and rivers. Fresh snowfall on the mountain peaks to start the autumn season off with a snow blast of sorts. Variety is good.
We had several showers Saturday, and at 5 p.m. they totaled about two-tenths of an inch. For the month, we had 2.69 inches here in Vancouver, about one inch above average. We enjoyed six 90-degree days and had an average mean temperature of 66.5 degrees, 2.7 degrees above normal.
Wow, does that translate to a warm, wet month? Haven’t had that combination for a while. There was a good variation between the high and low temperature. It was 98 degrees Sept. 2, 46 degrees Sept. 24.
We will see more sunshine but still a risk of showers today into early Monday before we dry out for a few days. Models did the ol’ flip-flop and took rain out of the picture this week, placing sunny icons back in there. Whatever, we take it in stride this time of the year.