Our string of dry days totaled 36 Saturday and today will be 37. With no rain expected we will surpass 40 days easily. We do have moisture streaming up from the south where thunderstorms are expected raising the red flag warning.
Did you notice the muggy conditions Saturday? With temperatures, afternoon approached 90 degrees and humidity was in the mid-50s early in the afternoon. Even in Seattle it was in the 80s with humidity level near 50 percent.
Usually when we get that warm, our humidity is in the comfortable 25-35 percent range. It will still be humid today, but temperatures will drop. Morning clouds and afternoon sunshine are on tap for Monday. Tuesday, it warms up again near 90 degrees. Then the rest of the week looks like some degree of morning clouds and highs closer to normal, say in the 78-83-degree range.
Our monthly average mean temperature in Vancouver is running 68.2 degrees, which is just about normal for July. Even with a few warm days, the cooler nights have evened that out. All in all just a fantastic summer.