Whether you take advantage of last-minute travel deals or organize a shared experience, make a family trip a top priority. Here are five reasons to plan now.
1. Time is of the essence
Sure, things are heating up at the office. Deadlines loom. Projects are underway. And of course, the family budget may be stressing the seams. But what could be more important than time away with the ones you love? Your plans need not be elaborate. Consider nearby festivals, camping, house trading, hiking or biking trips.
2. Things change
Kids grow up. Cousins move away. Grandparents age. Before you know it, that family reunion that sounds like fun, the lake you long to fish, or the resort that has captured your attention will have somehow altered and will no longer be possible or appealing. Make plans now to capture the memories unique to this era in your family’s evolution.
3. There is always something to learn
Do your kids yearn to learn to surf or sail? To know more about space? Or science? Do they love art? Or are they eager to fly-fish? Perhaps they want to know more about their own family history and the places that forged the bonds of your clan.