Monday turned out to be quite pleasant with plenty of afternoon sunshine. Highs were near or slightly below normal. Most afternoon temperatures around the county were between 66 and 70 degrees, with the latter the “normal” high for this week of May.
I know the big weather question of the week is “What kind of weather will we have for the long Memorial Day weekend?”
A cold trough of low pressure is forecast to slide down the British Columbia coast from Alaska and bring cooler temperatures and showers, with snow down to 5,000 feet. This is scheduled to arrive some time on Thursday and linger into Friday and Saturday as the holiday begins. Hopefully it will scoot out of here by Saturday.
However, computer forecast models aren’t that optimistic for sunshine and warmth. So we will see how things pan out and I’ll update you Thursday. I think the Saturday-through-Monday period may turn out dry except over the coastal mountains and the Cascades. But those pesky upper-level lows are unpredictable, to say the least.