Volunteer Connections provides opportunities through the Human Services Council. For information on the following and other opportunities, call 360-735-3683.
• Washington Trails Association is looking for volunteers to work with a crew improving trails.
• PeaceHealth Southwest Medical Center seeks volunteers in more than 50 service areas throughout the medical center and in the community. Volunteers are assigned areas based upon sites, availability and personal commitment.
• Refuge Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge is looking for environmental educators and cultural interpreters to lead school groups and other youth on tours of the plankhouse and on short nature walks.
• City of Vancouver Parks & Recreation needs trip drivers for the 50+ Travel Program. Drivers must have a current Washington driver’s license, pass a criminal history check, have a clean driving record for five years, be trained on a 15-passenger and a wheelchair-accessible van, and available to drive two or three days a month, including weekends.