Students at Vancouver Public Schools now have managed access to the Internet on school buses. The district installed a Wi-Fi network on all of its buses to improve Internet access and create equity for students who do not have Internet access at home.
About 160 bus routes were upgraded to allow about 5,000 secondary students who ride school buses and have district-issued laptop computers or tablets to do their homework while riding. Students in sixth through 12th grade have been issued electronic devices. Elementary students could be issued their one-to-one devices in subsequent school years.
The network also improves safety and security on buses because it allows remote, real-time access to existing security cameras.
The Wi-Fi network is paid for by the district’s technology levy approved by voters in 2013. The levy also pays for one-to-one devices for all students from third through 12th grade by 2019.
The district also implemented a Wi-Fi network at its mobile Family-Community Resource Center. The mobile FCRC network will be available to students, families and community members within about a 100-foot range.