Battle Ground teachers will do informational picketing before and after school Wednesday to protest the Washington Legislature’s failure to fully fund basic education, reduce K-12 class sizes, and provide increased pay and benefits for teachers and school employees.
Classes will meet, and teachers plan to work.
Members of the Battle Ground Education Association will gather from 6:30 to 8:30 a.m. and from 3:15 to 5:30 p.m. at the corner of Main Strett and state Highway 503 in Battle Ground.
Last week, 2,500 members from Evergreen, Washougal, Camas and Hockinson staged a one-day walkout. Battle Ground, Vancouver and other union teachers voted not to join the walkout, though many are angry about what they perceive as legislative inaction. Statewide, more than 50 local teachers unions have voted to participate in one-day walkouts.
An updated list of one-day strikes can be found at