Outdoor Concert: 6 p.m., East Woods Presbyterian Church, 16210 N.E. 20th St. One Night-Six Guys-Five Decades brings 50 years of great music, including bluegrass, pop and praise. Open to all; bring a blanket or folding chair and your own picnic dinner. *
Free Vacation Bible School: 6 to 8 p.m. through Friday, at Battle Ground Community United Methodist Church, 10300 NE 199th St. For children ages 4-11 years old. Experience God’s unstoppable love and put it into action with “G-FORCE!” Enjoy music, snacks, crafts, Bible stories and much more. Register at the church the first night you attend.
Women For God: 10 a.m. to noon, Sunrise Bagels conference room, 808 Harney St. Women of all faiths invited to share stories, miracles, prayer requests, and gifts and talents with a focus on strengthening our faith in Jesus. Free. * 360-798-2420 or
God’s Work — Our Hands: Working Together to End Homelessness: 9 a.m. to noon Saturday, Aug. 29. St. Andrew Lutheran Church, 5607 NE Gher Road, will host a free interfaith workshop for churches that have worked on homelessness. It will provide an opportunity to hear what’s being done in the faith community and an opportunity to explore ideas for working together to have a greater impact on the ultimate goal of ending homelessness in our county. * RSVP to