If you had just woke up from a long winter’s nap and went outside Wednesday you might have said to yourself, “My, this is such a typical June day. It must be June, I overslept!”
Well, you would be a month off — it is July and heading toward the last week of the month. Vancouver’s high yesterday was 71 degrees as of 5 p.m. and still no sunshine breaking through the dense marine clouds. Even the coast equaled or surpassed our high temperature, and so did communities in Puget Sound.
I keep saying that back in June, roasting under hot sunny skies and highs in the 90s, most of us were commenting that it seemed like late July or August. Now, we think of these days as weather we missed in June. Our average high for the date is 10 degrees higher than Wednesday’s performance. But that is what makes up our averages, the collection of extremes.
OK, things improve slightly today and Friday. The weekend has the best bet for some measurable rain, especially north of the Columbia. After that, next week we warm back up into the summertime 80s and maybe, just maybe, we’ll throw in a 90 for good measure.